IHCS’s Executive Director is the son of one of the original founders of the business. He has been part of the IHCS journey since 1993. Matthew holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours), along with a Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training. His experience includes direct care from 1993 until 2004 and managerial roles since 1997. Matthew has held directorship with IHCS since 2001.

DIRECTOR – Ms Suzanne Twynam-Perkins
Suzanne is a Director of IHCS and the Office and Finance Manager. Suzanne holds a Bachelor of Information Systems (Electronic Commerce) and a Certificate IV Workplace Assessment and Training. Suzanne joined IHCS in 1998, assuming her current role in 2004. She is responsible for the organisation’s financial and information systems, is the Company Secretary and manages the administrative support staff.

DIRECTOR – Ms Sally Smith
Sally has over 24 years’ experience in direct care and managerial roles within residential disability support services. Sally’s skill base includes quality management auditing skills, and she is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). Her position is central to the daily management of IHCS by leading the arrangement and support of direct service teams and managing staff needs such as for specialised training, resources, equipment or operational process.

DIRECTOR – Mr John Smith
John commenced work in the community sector in 1992, moving onto aged care work within various aged care facilities in the greater Hobart area and Victoria. Returning to Tasmania in 1996 and resuming work in the aged care industry until commencing employment in the community with IHCS in 2004. Becoming a service coordinator in 2005 and a Director in 2011 when he assumed the role as Veteran’s Home Care Coordinator and People and Culture Manager.

Prior to joining IHCS in 2020, Teresa had many years of experience as an RN- Div1 in the Public Sector and as a Community Nurse with the Mental Health Sector before working in the Private Sector- Residential. With extensive experience in Clinical Management, Teresa has attained her Frontline Management Certificate 4 and holds a current TAE qualification. She is a trainer with our RTO delivering Individual Support Certificate 3 units and in-house training for our community staff. Teresa became our Director-Clinical Care in November 2023.